1 Week To Go......

Tuesday, August 13, 2019
This feels surreal. 2 years ago, this seemed like such a distant dream and today I lay in my bed, literally counting down the few days remaining till my move to South Korea.

This is from my tourist-ing of London this past weekend. I've started a photography instagram page as I love nature photography. The name is in the picture :) 

These past few weeks have had their fair share of busy days for me as well as days my brain and body simply could not deal with another thought or action. This past weekend, I spent time with my close friends who stayed over at my house. It’s funny, we all acted as though this isn’t really happening, I hate goodbyes.

The journey thus far has not been an easy one. God has shown up so many times often times in the very last moment, honing in the fact that this is indeed part of the journey of deeply trusting Him I prayed about many years ago.

My suitcases are packed, but my mind is questioning why they are packed lol. Maybe it’s the fear, anxiety and nerves making me numb to the fact that this is a big thing. I’m moving to a whole different country. A whole different society. A whole different language and culture. And I’m doing it alone. Well the last part isn’t completely true, my best Friend is already there ahead of me. 

Not knowing what to expect when I arrive and when I begin my degree is a scary thing. I have only one person to depend on, and that is God. This dependence on Him so far has brought such amazing people into my life who have contributed so much to everything being a success so far. I am thankful that these people continue to make themselves available moving forward as well. To all my Korean class classmates, my Korean Unnie's and my amazing Korean teacher, you are the BEST!

The fact that I will be completely thrown into nothing but the Korean language, from lectures to assignments and exams, both excites and terrifies me at the same time. The high tech voice recorder my colleagues bought me on my last day at work is securely packed in my handbag and will be used to its full potential!

I hope in some way shape or form, this journey, my Korean journey, inspires you to step out of the boat, take that risk, follow that dream, obey that still small voice of God leading you to a path He’s mapped out for you.

Life is nothing but a vapour, as the Bible states (James 4:14), we are here today and gone tomorrow. I have always and will always want my today to count. I want my today to inspire other’s today and tomorrow. I truly believe we all exist as a large community, all our gifts feeding into one, bringing success to all.

Speak Soon. X

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