Omgsh when I say the way I’ve been avoiding writing here for the past week…...because I’ve been naughty!! I didn’t actively study this week at all. What I mean is my timetable I created, not one piece of study this week lool. Of course I’ve been watching the dramas and listening to some korean conversations and songs etc….but it’s not the same lol. Anyway, I jumped back on the wagon today to do something I least look forward to in the exam….the writing section.
They basically give you 2 essay questions and you write based on them. 1st thing I don’t look forward to is not being able to understand what on earth they are actually asking me to write about and secondly not having enough nor the correct vocabulary to concisely convey my ideas…*screams* …. ‘But God….’. Yes Marilyn, thou shalt keep remembering that right there!
So today I’ve sat down and written an essay based on a sample question my tutor gave me. I think I need to incorporate at least 2 essay writings into my weekly studies for the next just over a month I have left to boost my confidence in this area. I’m improving with the listening and reading sections…’s just this area!
Well till next time, pray for me guys….your retrospective prayers will still help hahaha!
Speak Soon. X
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