Dear Diary 25.08.18....

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

I’m not sure if you’ve heard about the Gold list method of language/vocabulary learning?

Basically you write a list of words with the translation on the the other side of the line drawn in the middle of the page.

You leave the book for a couple of days after reading through the words and try to see which ones you remember. The ones you don’t remember, you write them again in the same manner on a new page as shown here.

You keep doing that leaving a couple of 
days in between each return to the book until you learn all the words. You can already see the progress right?

This method has been working for me! 계속 할거야! (I’m going to keep doing it!) I find it so funny how you can say something in korean with literally one or 2 words but when translated to English it’s like 15 words!hahaha!

Speak Soon. X

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