So... lately my artsy side has been screaming my name from all directions. Which is what led me to finding this painting café in Wonju! I had previously read a blog recommending this café and decided to give it a try. And I can confidently say I second that recommendation. Read on to find out more!This is how it works : You pay ₩20,000 which includes a canvas of your choice to paint for 2 hours and a drink of your choice. You have to pre-book using the Korean app 'Naver'. You look up the café' on Naver (I just used Naver maps and still worked), then using their booking system to book the day and time you would like to go. (P.S. They are closed on Mondays!)
I booked for after 5pm and my session was supposed to finish at 7pm, but the amazingly lovely manager gave me an extra hour and a half. She actually mentioned that for customers who book earlier times, she normally gives continuous extra hours for free, so I would definitely suggest going earlier if possible. The earliest time is just after 12pm!
The drinks include a selection of coffee based drinks and non-coffee based drinks. I went for the ice 'hot' chocolate. Regarding the canvas', you get to choose based on a collection they have. I chose the London eye as I have been feeling home-sick lately.
You also have a choice as to where to sit. You can either choose the open space or a private area. I chose the private area, as seen in the picture above.
It was truly a wonderful experience!! And no, you do NOT need to go with someone, you most definitely can go SOLO!!
Name (Korean) : 오늘을 그리다
Name (English) : Café Oda
Instagram : Café Oda
Location (Korean) : 강원 원주시 능라동길 51 206호
Location (English) : 51 Neungdong-gil, Office 206, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do
Till the next one….
Speak Soon. Xx
P.S. Check out my instagram page for more and better quality pictures ;)
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