Dear Diary 20.01.19....

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Omgsh this weekend has been one of the most headache inducing, tear jerking, ‘forget all of this’ weekends ever! 

So I FINALLY completed my personal statement and all the other application forms I needed to compete. Together with my Mum and Dad we’ve gathered all the other documents the school requires me to submit. I went onto their website to complete an application form online as they requested. This is when things turned upside down.

So in Korea, they still mostly only use internet explorer, so if you have a Mac, forget about it! And guess what, that’s what yours truly has.

Nonetheless, I managed to find a way to ‘lie’ to the website that I was using a windows laptop. 

So once I did that, I managed to complete the form. Then I needed to take a picture which Shanika helped me with. Now I had to resize the picture which took some fiddling about on the internet etc to find out how to do, but that worked out fine.

So I complete the form, made the application fee payment…..then it says I need to print a couple of things. Ok, no sweat, that’s not a problem. So I click on one of the items to download…..ERROR message, -_-...... all in Korean as well. Anyway, it says I have to download some things in order to be able to view the document.

So now I know I can’t use my Mac coz Mac just won’t accept windows files, so I go to use my mums laptop. I downloaded everything it asked me to, but still error messages.

So this is how it went for about an hour, I downloaded the same files about 3 times…..ERROR!!

So I left it, decided to go to bed, had church the next day, which is today.

So today, I drove all the way to my Uni in central London, in the hopes that as the library only uses PCs, surely it will work there. -_-.....not allowed to download files onto the PC. Ok no worries, I managed to give my personal statement and the other forms a last read through and tweaked areas making them much better, so I guess not a total wasted journey.

The Chinese food I had a couple hours earlier has started working through me my stomach though, so now my stomach is crying out for dear life in repetitive echoes, so loud that I am sure people on the other side of the library can hear the groans of the Chinese making its way through my intestines.

I finally get up to leave and get to the car. I type in my address in good old 'Waze' to direct me home, believing that as it took me half an hour to get to Uni, it’ll also roughly take me half an hour to get back home. Nope, 56mins, oh and with road blockages and unmoving traffic. Fabulous, my stomach is not happy….and it’s expressing this to me in the form of continuous gaseous bursts from my lower half.

I sit in my atmospheric filth as I make the long treacherous drive home. Waze helps me find many back routes escaping the road blockages and unmoving traffic. Praise God, I’m nearly home.

I get home, park the car, get out to take my bag out of the boot. Then it hits me, my stomach knows I’m home now. Ahhhh I’ve got to make it to the toilet fast! I open the door, throw my bag and coat onto my bed, I made it! That monster came out.

Now back to business. Tell Mum I need her laptop again. I attempt to once again, download the documents. I download the relevant files it asks me to download in order to view it….-_- ERROR.

I start crying at this point. From 6.30pm till 10pm….no joke, that was my life- download, click to view, ERROR, download, click to view, ERROR….. Until…..*heavenly music breaks through*.....something happened. I had a thought to change up my approach- how about I view internet explorer via the desktop viewer rather than this stupid Microsoft edge viewer….and bam! That was the answer.

I nearly slapped myself. I immediately run upstairs to my sleeping mother, literally nearly in tears. It worked Mummy! It worked!

So now here I am, peacefully cradling my hot water bottle (oh did I forget to mention, T.O.M is visiting too) and about to fall asleep at 11pm, ready for work tomorrow. My plan was to sleep by 8pm…..-_-.

Well at least I can actually look back and laugh now! I made it, it worked! Lesson learned? - MUST GET A CHEAP SMALL WINDOWS LAPTOP BEFORE I GO TO KOREA!!!!

If you read all the way through this, you’re a trooper! Thank you for joining in with me on my pain lool.

And this wraps up my diary entries recording my journey in preparation for my move to Korea! Of course many more events followed this last one, but as we say in Korean '정신 하나도 없어서 못 썼어'! (look up the translation *wink*)

Thank you to everyone who actually read all the diary entries! Whew, you indeed are a trooper! I am more than ready to start writing about my current experiences now and I hope you enjoy the content!

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