Dear Diary 31.11.18....

Friday, April 10, 2020

Ha! I got in there before the month ended lol. It has been such a busy 2 weeks I’m actually knackered!! So I emailed all the universities I’ll be applying to for confirmation on the application period for fall 2019. Most have replied back and shockingly some already open up for applications in January! *screams*. Clearly this means I need to start working on my application etc. I’m a visual person so I printed out calendars for January - July next year on A3 sheets and stuck them up in my room, noting down all necessary dates I’ve been given. I feel much better now I can see things clearly lol. 

Also, I’ve been moved up to a new class in my Korean classes. So from January next year I’ll be in pre-intermediate 2. I’m glad because my teacher mentioned they speak a lot in that class which is an area I really need to work on, so it all works out beautifully! Just paid for those classes today. Tomorrow the plan is to write up my personal statement for the school business manager application as I believe the Headteacher will be advertising the post in the coming weeks. I kinda feel overwhelmed, lies, not kinda I DO feel overwhelmed because I need to do some lone studying to catch up to the learners in my new korean class as I’m coming from elementary 2, then my job application, uni applications and still studying for the next TOPIK exam.

 I’m trying not to burn and crash under it so I’m constantly talking to God about it and trying my best to organise my life and force myself to take breaks. Like today the original plan was to go to Starbucks after work to do some studying. I’m actually walking in that direction at the moment but I really feel run down and had such a hectic non-stop day today at work so I know I need rest. As much as I actually want to study, one has to be intelligent, so I’m turning away from the way leading to Starbucks right now in this moment lol and making my way to my car to go straight home!!

Speak Soon. X

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